Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Light Mindless Read or Bathroom Break Material, One…

Most powerlifters after a meet share write ups filled with a litany of thanksgivings that are followed by details of their training, their PR’s, their misses, their goals reached, lessons learned and what is to come. I wish my write up could be that simple. Just about all of the individuals that I want to THANK have no clue they even played a role in my long, hard, and strange journey to my first Raw Powerlifting meet and achieving Best Female Lifter.

From my experience as a huge supporter of a powerlifter, my husband, Bert Underwood, powerlifting is a sport that involves so much more than just the lifter. Don’t get me wrong, the lifter is the key player on game day, they get under the weight and in front of that loaded bar and compete alone in their meet and earn their own personal achievements, which is undeniable. What is also undeniable is that you need a team and the awesome part about your team is, your team becomes all those around you, literally, spiritually, mentally and figuratively from the first time you started training to the very last second before you start your lift.  That is the part about the sport of powerlifting that made my experience so great and different from any other journey I have ever been on. 

My team is so massive and so special to me I must tell you about my journey to my first Raw Powerliftng Meet; so that you can see just how important everyone’s involvement both small and big, really was to my meet and to my success.

I have to start all the way back in January 2013; it was then that I had my family get pictures done by a professional photographer.  WOW!  I was so humiliated by my body size. A small flame was lit inside me and, I had to get the weight off.  I was rocking the scales at 220 at 5’1, that is not just over weight, let’s be honest, that is beyond unhealthy and asking for serious health problems.  
For those who do not “know” me I am a Momma to two amazing toddlers, Stone and Austin and two awesome teens Ashley and Shane. I actually enjoy being an overly loving (smothering) and aggressive (up their butts 24/7) Momma. I want more than anything in this world to be the one to raise my children at any cost. I am sure they will all be screwed up and I am doing it all wrong but, no matter how they turn out, at the end of day I was present, I was beyond willing and I gave it my all with endless amounts of love, respect and support. 
 I am also a very dedicated wife and, in love with my husband; so needless to say, I would like to be around for many years to come. But I don’t want to just be around, I want to be my best inside and out for my entire family. Unfortunately that small flame those photographs lit, did not stay lit long and was snuffed out by laziness, excuses and too much of the wrong kinds of foods, at all the wrong times. I say laziness but not the lazy slug kind of lazy, I mean, I was too lazy to go train late at night or to get up to train early in the morning. For me it is very easy to put everyone and everything before myself in every area of my life, NOT GOOD!
March came and my life was pretty much a living nightmare… the details are not worth going into but I was done with it ALL! I was at a crossroad in my life, I could just give up on everything and everyone or, I could take back control over what I could control in my life. As we all know the only thing we can control is our own actions! So I did just that, I took control over Mindy, my actions, and my life. The person who saved me from me and helped me to find the courage to make the right changes in my life was none other than Brian Carroll; I am most certain that he has zero clue of this fact. One day I made a strange phone call to Brian and his words changed my life forever. 

He reminded me that I am strong inside and out and, I have real value as my own person. I had forgotten that there is more to me and my life then being a cook, being a maid, being a Chef, being a taxi driver… you get the idea; I fill my days with being a busy Mom and wife!

It is bizarre that I even called Brian that day, up to this point in my life Brian Carroll was to me, my husband’s coach and my husband’s friend. He had always been very friendly, kind and respectful to me but much closer to my husband than me. To me Brian is a legend in his own right and such an amazing powerlifter and, just a pretty cool person in general; I thought for sure he had paid passing attention to me at best. Maybe on a good day Brian thought of me as the lady who always prayed real hard for him before a meet and who liked to help out as much as possible when I did get to attend powerlifting competitions. Or at worst, maybe Brian thought of me as Bert Underwood’s silly, fat wife who liked to have funny conversation with him over huge meals after meets. 

Nonetheless, my journey had now begun in full force and for that Brian Carroll; 
I thank you over and over. I know my family would thank you too if they had even the slightest clue how much you helped positively motivate their Momma. The motivation you gave me Brian Carroll was put to good use; I used it to find the strength, dedication and determination deep within me to save myself from the health problems that where just around the corner, if I didn’t make big life style changes. 

At this point on my journey Brian had me fired up! I was ready to go, I was filled with determination and, motivation.  I was so excited, I felt like I could go run a Marine Corps PFT and get some!  Moments later, my head went blank…. I started thinking, which is dangerous by the way, I concluded that I was not a Powerlifter but I sure did want to be one. I also decided I wanted to skip the shit, suck and good levels and go straight to GREAT…
Yes, I had been listening to Dave Tate! Thanks to my husband’s love for powerlifting I had already been exposed to the best of the best. Dave Tate's videos, articles and, entire Elitefts team is an abundant source of knowledge for lifters both new to powerlifting and seasoned in powerlifting as well.  I want to thank all of you for taking the time to make post and videos and for being great examples for other lifters to follow.

I am ready to become a powerlifter but, where do I start? How do I start? What are my goals? I had one very clear goal, stop being lazy and an unhealthy fat ass!  I started reading every Elitefts blog, article, post, and I stalked powerlifting watch for hours, finding names of guys in the 120-181 weight class, yes I said guys. I figured since I looked like a linebacker, I should start with the men to get ideas. My plan was to use their numbers to help me figure out how to set my personal goals. Entertaining, I know...

Then I came to the realization that I am a girl...
That forced me to start thinking of girls who I could try and set goals like, of course I come up with lifters like, Becca Swanson, Jill Mills, April Mathis, Ann Vanderbush, Amy Weisburger, Allison Lockhart, and Therese Janc to name a few. Remember, I did say I wanted to be great and I was ready for anything. So at this point in my journey I must thank all the amazing ladies both mentioned and not mentioned above. Any female who has ever competed in a powerlifting meet, has without a doubt helped pave the way for those who followed you and for those to come, including myself. I salute you and say thank you. 
After my diligent research, I now had numbers to work with for my up and coming meet. Brace yourself, I was thinking based on my infinite wisdom and stalking that I would shoot for a 500-600 squat multi ply of
course, 300 bench multi ply and 400-500 pound raw dead lift. I was thinking that if they can did it, I can train real hard and do it too. I planned on reaching my goals in ten weeks, while dropping weight, raising kids and going to college full time. I got this, right?!

Now that you are done laughing at me… you can breathe… I realized very quickly I was so lost and could be a little off with my calculations!   

On to plan B, I decided if I wanted to be the best, I would have to learn from the best. I naively reach out to several female lifters I look up to and several men, I did get some short and some vague responses but mostly ignored, it happens, I would ignore me too. 

Leave it to a Wild and Crazy Canadian Woman to
believe in a crazy American girl who wants to get strong, lose weight and, do it fast and, be one of the best in ten weeks or so! Allison Lockhart is that woman, she had no idea I was a fan and had just recently been jumping up and down and yelling at her through my computer screen during one of her meets that was streamed live. It was no surprise to find out that her coach is Brian Carroll.  We talked via Facebook; she was so helpful, funny, inspiring and kind. Her willingness to help me and guide me was awesome and just what I needed. But that was not all she did for me, Allison ended up sending me a Jack Bench Shirt, with one small catch, I had to make
videos and post them. I of course didn’t want videos of myself or pictures on the Internet of me but I promised to do this for her and, I will keep my promise. In fact after that I started making videos and putting them on Facebook. That was hard for me to do as a very over weight woman, I am sure others can understand. Allison Lockhart also told me to build a raw foundation, at this point I wanted to still compete in the gear because that is all I have ever watched and I wanted to be like the guys after all and compete with the best women in multi ply in the world.

Allison Lockhart, I want to thank you so much, without you as a part of my journey things would have never been the same. I can’t wait to see you compete in person or even better compete together one day. 
The other woman in my life who became very supportive is Ria Carroll, she listened and responded to my PR text messages and random updates, I am sure she doesn’t hear enough of those on a weekly basis. Ria Carroll, thank you for your friendship and text support on this journey, sometimes just two seconds of support from a friend makes all the difference, you are one friend I am blessed to have.

The next twist on my journey took place an hour away from home, in the garage of Chad and Kelly Walker. Imagine a short, chubby girl, squeezed into a big over sized in length but two sizes too small in width, Bright Orange Jack Deadlift Suit, covered in chalk, all sweaty with eyes pooping out and, all topped off with a look on her face that says, I might puke, I might pass out and I think I have to pee, accompanied by a cheese ball smile, excited and ready to get some heavy squat work in. That scary visual was me. I was in a Jack deadlift suit and squatting because it was all we had I could fit into and I wanted 400 pounds on my back, I had reasonable goals set after all. So two sessions go by and I was doing great, the suit made me puke, burp and I felt like I could faint but I loved it. I blow every blood vessel in my face every time I put over 350 pounds on the bar. After my workouts at Chad’s I would walk around for several days looking like I had a bad case of the chicken pox from my forehead to my chest. I was going as low as I could in the suit but the legs were too long and I would literally stop about a 1 ½ to 2 inches too high because the suit was done moving completely. I was sitting in it as if there was a chair behind me with 275-405 pounds of weight on my shoulders and, going nowhere. The light bulb went off in my head and I tell the guys that I had heard you just need more weight in cases like this so, put on more weight and do this… go to 425. Awesome, I get it and I am so happy but still a little high and I wanted to be good and deep! 

We go back to Chad’s for week three and I am now down to 188! I am so happy, I no longer have to puke to make room for air in my belly and I am ready to go to 500. We worked our way up to 425 again, it went fast and easy. Chad Walker had not seen me train as of yet, his schedule protecting the world as a police officer keeps him very busy! This day we go to 450 and I give everyone a heart attack not once but two times with falling backwards. I would get to the bottom, the weight was fine, but I wanted to get deep and show the world this was my weight and I owned it, so at the bottom of my squat when the suit literally stopped me from moving, I pushed down hard, sat back and fell over backwards! I am very sure that I scared the life out of all the guys there! I just wanted depth; there is nothing worse than squatting an awesome amount of weight and afterwards hearing, “Great job but it was a little high.” Those words make me want to kill. Thank you North Port Barbell for helping me and, sorry I scared you to death. 

The next workout Chad was there and takes one look at me in this deadlift suit that is now too big and too long for me. He says, in more words or less, that I should take that stuff off and go raw for a while. I suddenly hear the wise words of Allison Lockhart (build a raw foundation first). I had also been watching probably one of the best if not the best in the USA raw lifters, Jordan Wong. And if you have actually been able to follow this blog I am sure you will not be surprised by what I had been thinking. I was thinking that if Jordan has such raw strength, I could have it too and then I would be able to get an 800 pound squat in gear, forget a 600 pound squat, I want 800 pounds. If it is not clear by now my plan is to go big or go home. 

I was now on my journey to a raw meet, my first raw meet. I have Chad Walker to thank for his words of wisdom and help. I also want to thank you, Chad for inviting me to train with you and your team in your garage; it is and always will be an honor to lift with or even around such great powerlifters like yourself.  Places like your garage are where champions are made and training is done that leads to records being set.  Your numbers at the 2013 XPC Finals and your overall placing says it all!  You are one of the best and I look up to you and thank you for everything you have done for my husband and me. Jordon Wong thank you for making videos and for welcoming me as a lifter and for setting the raw bar so high, words do not do you justice when describing what it is like to watch you lift raw.  I also must thank Kelly Walker for keeping me motivated, she has been rocking crossfit and weight loss and, her example helped me see that it is ok for Mom’s to take time for them.    

My journey is now clear, I know you heard this before but this time I had it figured out. I was going to get ready for the RPS South Florida’s Powerlifting Meet, June 15th, 2013 and I was going to be competing RAW.

I was now down to 180 pound, I had lost 40 pounds for life. Let me tell you about that too. I started actually thinking about losing weight almost a year ago when I asked Clint Smith what could I do. I had heard he was very knowledgeable on the subject. I can still see him looking down at me with that all knowing glare he gives over his spectacles, it said, I am going to give you the key to the world but you won’t even put it in the door and turn the key, you are not ready. He was right, because it was over a year ago he told me just what to do and I did it for like 3 days and decided dieting was not working for me as well as eating cookies and chocolate.   
216.6 lbs My Starting Body Weight

Clint Smith, I want you to know that it took a year but I finally took your advice and I am using Carb Nite. Thank you so much!

That leads into the best gift a man has ever given me, a stair stepper, John Romoser, the owner of Fort Myers Gulf Coast, my team mate and close friend, gave me a stair stepper for my home. I needed to get my HIIT training in at least 6 days a week but I couldn’t find a place I could take the boys that was affordable and didn’t dictate the times I had to work out. John thank you so much, I will continue to show you my deepest appreciation for your generous gift with continued weight loss. John really has no idea what a key role he played in my training and reaching my goals. Remember I wanted to lose weight and get stronger. I was told by most I couldn’t do it. Laugh at behind my back and, someone actually called me a liar passively saying that losing weigh that fast just can’t be done. Well who is laughing now?  

Ha, Ha, Ha Haters, never tell a MARINE, a MOTHER, or A REAL WOMAN she can’t do something, not only can she do it, she will do it better then you… BOOM and I did! I lost 50 pound in little less than four months and got stronger by the time of the meet. I was 170 pounds MAY 30th 2013 and I am still losing! 

My Weight To Day! 6/20/2013
 I thank you for your negative motivation; I feed on it instead of carbohydrates. 

Back to my training journey, the meat and potatoes work started, I started raw everything.  I was squatting 150 pounds raw, very badly, pulling 265 pounds, badly and benching 190 pounds, well. I could see the fear in my husband’s eyes after week one of my new raw cycle but I was going to show him. I have insomnia real bad so I would spend endless nights watching videos of raw everything which lead me back to where this all started, Brian Carroll. I watched Brian on YouTube for days and hours. I focused on his set up videos for squats, bench and deadlift. I studied them like a blind mad studies braille; I knew Brian Carroll’s explanation of a correct set up for squat, bench and deadlift forwards and backwards. 

The next time I got under the bar, no one in the gym could explain it, I was 100% better. In fact Chad Walker says to me the next time he sees me squat that my set up was close to perfect, a lot like Brian Carroll’s set up and squat form… hummmmm… Did I tell? No, I did not! At least not right away, I was enjoying the praise! Really, when Chad Walker says you look good, it does something to your confidence as a lifter. Once again, I must thank you Brian Carroll. Brian, keep posting those instructional videos, they are invaluable tools, especially for a visual learner like myself. 

My squat is now over 225lbs. and my bench is 200 lbs. but my dead lift was not moving as fast, still under 300 lbs, and I need that 400 pound pull ASAP. I start my search for answers and, who do I find? Mick Manley, he is a team member of Elitefts and lifts big numbers at a body weight of 198 pounds.

This guy is like dynamite, small in size but packs a big blast. I say small at a 198 pound body weight but remember I am married to a 300 pound man… This is all in prospective of my personal reality of course… I know a 198 pound man is not “small,” he is just an entire human smaller then my husband and most of his closest friends. Now, back to how awesome Mick Manley is and not for enduring Bert’s snoring at the XPC Finals in March of 2013. Mick actually took time out of his day to answer my questions and, was so open to helping me. He went above and beyond by sending me the world’s best glute program, his program was just what I needed. Mick has changed my life on so many levels by helping me tighten and strengthen my glutes. Thank you Mick Manley, your glute program took my RAW 265 lbs. pull to a RAW 320 pound pull which, was an awesome Deadlift PR for my first Raw Meet.

We are to the end of my journey and my list is about to over flow with names of people to thank that were there along the way helping me lose weight, get stronger and achieve a 800 pound RAW total, 5 PR’s consisting of a 205 pound bench, a 255 pound & 275 pound squat and 305 pound and 320 pound dead lift, all at a new body weight of 176 lbs. on meet day. So here goes, thank you to all the above again and thank you most of all to my children for going to the gym with me and for coming to my meet and behaving, you made me look like I might be an O.K. Momma after all. I want to thank my husband, Bert Underwood, you inspired me beyond words. You were and always will be my secret key of super deep motivation to success in life both inside and outside of powerlifting.

Bert was by my side helping me as my friend, my coach, my team mate and my husband. He handled me and guided me through this entire journey. Bert is a wise man (Or he just values his life) and really let me figure this one out. He handled me and supported me 100%. He never told me that my goals were crazy or said that I wanted too much too fast.  Bert always said, let's train and he never said you can’t do that… He consistently supported me, thank you so much for that, my love! Also Bert, THANK YOU for introducing me to the pain of knee wraps! Who knew so much pain could be so much fun and something you just want more and more of, you really did a great job handling and wrapping me. I want to also take a moment to say congrats on your 16 pound PR and 600 pound bench, Mr. Underwood!

Thank you to Phil Halliwell and Mrs. Halliwell for putting on the RPS South Florida’s Strongest Meet! Your meet was so awesome and tons of fun, I really look forward to competing in your next meet. 

Thank you, Fort Myers Gulf Coast Powerlifting Team. Thank you, Carrie Johnson for taking photos and making videos of my lifts and for being there to support the team. It is a pleasure to have you and your husband Dave on the team. Congrats Bert, Dave and Greg for placing first, awesome job. Thank you April Mathis, you motivate and inspire me to go for big numbers and you are a great friend and thank you for helping out at the meet. Thank you, Liane Sabourin, Micaela Brandy Alverez and ALL the people who supported me on Facebook by liking my post and, You Tube videos and, being supportive and inspiring! 

Tom Waldrep, thank you so much, it means the world to me that a big bencher like you will take the time to even look at my set up and comment on my bench videos and post.


So many people played different roles in getting me to my first meet. Thank you EVERYONE. It is because of each of you that I was able to find mental strength and, being ready mentally is just as important as being strong. 

I saved the best thank you for last;

Now it is time to get back in the gym and train hard for the next meet!
Semper Fi – Mindy Underwood